D547B Transect PB02 Very diverse. Mosaic substrata of mud/cobbles/carbonate boulders/wall. Solenosmilia reefs present on hard substrata. Priority 1. Features: Canyon. Water depth: -1600 m. TL: 2.9 km SOL: 14° 46.750' W 53° 18.936' N
Highlights: Radicipes cf. gracilis Anemones in a ring Anemone - Halcampoides
Predominantly soft sediment with bioturbation and burrows. Vertical cliffs and large boulders are occasionally apparent throughout the dive. Two main benthic communities are associated with soft, sandy sediment and hard sediment, rocks and ledges. Fauna commonly seen on soft sediment include sea pens, cerianthids, corallimorph anemones, holothurians, Radicipes gracilis and Phormosoma placenta. Fauna seen on harder ground, including cliffs and boulders include sponges (encrusting and hexactinellids), Stichopathes, Parantipathes sp., cup corals, Leiopathes sp. and Bathypathes sp. Eels and grenadiers are seen throughout the dive. A number of elasmobranch species were also seen, possibly Galeus spp. and Squaliformes spp. Of interest is the frequent occurrence of hermit crabs with zoanthids.
START VIDEO [00:00:00]/18:09. Predominantly mosaic substrata throughout the transect. Biotope changes from cobbles to carbonate vertical wall in short distance. [1] Carbonate/mud substrate on gentle/moderate up hill. Epifauna is sparse and none dominant species recorded. [00:05:00] [2] Carbonate boulders/cobbles/mud with a few isolated colonies of Solenosmilia variabilis on hard substrate. [3] Soon substrate changes again into muddy sediment. [4] And then boulders and cobbles become more spread. [5] Now the ROV climbs a vertical carbonate wall with Stichopathes sp. as dominant. [00:19:00] [6] As the ROV reaches the summit, boulders are abundant with many and sparse epifauna present. [00:24:00] [7] boulders are less abundant, and now muddy sediment for a long part of the transect. [01:06:00]-[01:08:00] ROV stops for imagery of cf. Halcampoididae sp. [01:23:00]-[01:25:00] ROV stops for imagery of Umbellula sp1. [01:28:00]-[01:31:00] ROV stops for imagery and sampling of cf. Thouarella sp. OTU1086. [8] Here carbonate mound with Caryophyllia sp. and Stichopathes sp. [01:41:00] Again muddy sediment until the end of the transect. Sparse epifauna with frequent encounters of Epizoanthus sp.1, Paguridae (Epizoanthus Assoc) and Pennatulacea sp. (cf. Kophobelemnidae). [01:52:00] ROV causes mud cloud. Vision obscured for 30 secs. [01:55:00] Vision obscured at times. [02:03:00] ROV stops for imagery of three Paguridae (Epizoanthus sp.1) and their interesting behavior. [02:15:00] ROV stops for imagery of Elasmobranchia Galeus melastomus. [02:17:00] ROV stops for sampling 2 pushcores. END VIDEO [02:26:00]/20:36.
Progression | Start | Duration | Code | Name |
1 | [00:00:00] | 00:06:07 | M.AtLB.Ro | Atlantic lower bathyal rock and hard substrata |
2 | [00:06:08] | 00:02:57 | M.AtLB.Mu | Atlantic lower bathyal mud |
3 | [00:09:06] | 00:04:34 | M.AtLB.Mu | Atlantic lower bathyal mud |
4 | [00:13:41] | 00:02:11 | M.AtLB.Ro.MixCor | Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment |
5 | [00:15:53] | 00:03:15 | M.AtLB.Ro.MixCor | Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment |
6 | [00:19:09] | 00:03:54 | M.AtLB.Ro.MixCor | Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment |
7 | [00:23:04] | 01:10:55 | M.AtLB.Mu | Atlantic lower bathyal mud |
8 | [01:34:00] | 00:10:27 | M.AtLB.Mu | Atlantic lower bathyal mud |
Hyalonema sp. 1 : 917 : R
cf. Pheronema sp. (Rock possibly Aphorme horrida) : 1084 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 14 : 52 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 15 (yellow) : 58 : R
Porifera globose lobose : 1178 : R
Porifera lamellate sp. 10 (Yellow Solenosmilia assoc.) : 623 : R
Porifera massive fig sp. 1 : 387 : R
Blue Porifera encrusting : 800 : R
Porifera vase (cf. Aphrocallistes) : 1162 : R
Cerianthidae sp. 1 : 2 : O
Actiniaria sp. 1 : 4 : R
Actiniaria sp. 20 : 605 : R
cf. Halcampoididae sp. : 984 : R
Actinernus michaelsarsi : 554 : R
Actinoscyphiidae sp. 1 (pink) : 1047 : R
Stichopathes sp. : 560 : R
Leiopathes sp. : 305 : R
Bathypathes sp. (brown) : 284 : R
Parantipathes sp. : 1042 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 2 : 6 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 5 (bullseye) : 584 : R
Solenosmilia variabilis : 700 : R
Epizoanthus sp. 1 (Paguridae associated) : 317 : O
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Anthothela grandiflora : 311 : R
Metallogorgia/Iridogorgia or Cirripathes : 994 : R
Radicipes cf. gracilis : 1044 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Acanella arbuscula : 585 : R
Isididae sp. (fine branching) : 1064 : R
Paragorgia (twiggy) (poss. Swiftia) : 1065 : R
Paramuricea sp. : 1050 : R
cf. Thouarella sp. : 1086 : R
Pennatulacea sp. 3 (submerged axis) : 1191 : R
Kophobelemnon stelliferum : 442 : O
Pennatula cf. inflata : 1083 : R
Umbellula sp. : 581 : R
Pliobothrus sp. : 207 : R
Bonellia viridis : 267 : R
Aphroditidae sp. 1 : 146 : R
Serpulidae sp. 1 : 106 : R
Neolithodes grimaldii : 1063 : R
Munida tenuimana : 339 : R
Paguridae sp. : 205 : O
Caridea (indet.) : 1077 : R
Munnopsidae sp. : 1102 : R
Colossendeis sp. 1 : 1059 : R
Sepiolidae sp. : 1095 : R
Pentametrocrinus atlanticus : 436 : R
Crinoidea sp. : 1072 : R
Euryalida sp. : 1307 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Ophiuroidea sp. 7 - yellow : 340 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : R
Henricia sanguinolenta : 208 : R
Ceramaster/Peltaster/Plinthaster sp. 1 : 234 : R
Solasteridae sp. : 9978 : R
cf. Hymenaster (yellow) : 1174 : R
Asteroidea cf. sp. inulosida : 1186 : R
cf. Echinus (deep pink spine) : 1129 : R
Hygrosoma sp. : 1125 : R
Phormosoma placenta : 555 : R
Echinoidea sp. 5 : 572 : R
cf. Psolus sp. : 1049 : R
cf. Amperima sp. : 628 : R
Benthogone sp. : 432 : R
Holothuroidea sp. (pink deep) : 1179 : R
Ascidiacea sp. 2 : 20 : R
Galeus sp. : 1305 : R
Synaphobranchus kaupii : 440 : R
Ipnopidae sp. : 1078 : R
Coryphaenoides rupestris : 566 : R
Trachyrincus sp. : 446 : R
Cataetyx laticeps : 1111 : R
cf. Rouleina attrita : 1074 : R
Cottunculus microps : 128 : R
Neocyttus helgae : 563 : R
Actinopterygii sp. 3 : 930 : R
Number of species = 79
© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022