Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D564 Transect PB16 Notable sub-fossil corals on vertical walls. Very diverse. Mud/cobbles/fossilized corals/carbonate. Plethora of epifauna species. Not Priority. Feature: Deep Canyon Rise. Water Depth: -2700 m. TL: 2 km SOL: 15° 11.060' W 51° 24.629' N

Highlights: Demosponge - Inflatella pellicula? Stalked crinoids Sea fan or stylasterid? Antipatharian coral - Bathypathes

At the base of target slope there is muddy substrate with pebble fields and the occasional boulder. Holothurians are present on the soft ground while Anachalypsicrinus nefertiti, Bathycrinidae spp. and stalked crinoids occur on the boulders. Upslope these boulders host sparse epifauna including stalked sponge and stalked crinoids. Further upslope on vertical/very steep bedrock intersperse with mud the holothurian Peniagone sp., the ophiuroid Ophiomusium lymani and cup-corals dominate with sub-fossil coral (recorded on vertical wall at this site). A geogenic reef garden contains Keratoisis sp. (fine-branching) and a lamellate sponge. Further up slope the substrate is muddy with sparse epifauna including bamboo coral Acanella arbuscula and occasional boulders and bedrock.

START VIDEO [00:00:00]. [1] Pebble fields on muddy slope. [2] 3m Vertical/very steep bedrock intersperse with mud. 1167 Peniagone sp. OTU551, Ophiomusa lymani and Caryophyllia co-dominate. [3] [00:26:00] Holothurians OTU1167 on muddy slope. [4] [00:31:00] Boulder on muddy slope. Anachalypsicrinus nefertiti OTU1031 and Bathycrinidae sp. OTU1141 co-dominate. ROV stops for imagery of stalked crinoids on boulder. [5] [00:38:00] muddy upslope where Peniagone sp. is frequently encountered. [6] [00:44:00] Dense pebble/cobble fields on gentle upslope. [7] [00:45:00] now pebble/cobble fields are sparse. Muddy sediment predominate. Peniagone sp. dominates. [8] [00:47:00] Boulders on moderate upslope host sparse epifauna including stalked sponge and stalked crinoids. From this point, muddy sediment and pebble/cobble/boulder sediment intersperse until the end. [01:04:00] ROV stops for imagery of sub-fossil corals and corallium species. [01:31:00] Here sub-fossil coral recorded again on vertical wall. VIDEO A ENDS.

START VIDEO B [02:02:00] [9] Vertical wall hosts many epifauna including Bathypathes and stalked crinoids. [02:24:00] Water column. [02:26:00] [10] Here bedrock hosts a large colony of A. nefertiti OTU1031. [02:30:00] [11] Here cobble/pebble field. A. nefertiti is frequently encountered. [02:34:00] [12] Vertical wall hosts A. nefertiti. [02:41:00] [13] Now this is geogenic garden hosts a plethora of epifauna, including Keratoisis sp (fine branching) OTU1157 and lamellate sponge OTU1151. [02:56:00] Here muddy upslope hosts sparse epifauna including Acanella arbuscula OTU585. [02:58:00] Occasional boulder/bedrock encountered. [03:07:00] ROV stops for imagery and sampling of Acanella arbuscula. VIDEO B ENDS. [03:15:00].

Progression Start Duration Code Name
1[00:00:00]00:03:36M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
14[00:00:00]00:06:54M.AtUA.BiAtlantic upper abyssal cold water coral reef (biogenic structure)
2[00:03:37]00:22:53M.AtUA.RoAtlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
15[00:06:55]00:20:44M.AtUA.RoAtlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
3[00:26:31]00:05:36M.AtUA.Mu.HolComHolothurian dominated community on Atlantic upper abyssal mud
16[00:27:40]00:12:01M.AtLB.RoAtlantic lower bathyal rock and hard substrata
4[00:32:08]00:11:00M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
17[00:39:42]00:11:49M.AtLB.RoAtlantic lower bathyal rock and hard substrata
5[00:43:09]00:04:20M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
6[00:47:30]00:11:09M.AtUA.RoAtlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
18[00:51:32]00:07:07M.AtLB.MuAtlantic lower bathyal mud
19[00:58:40]00:15:13M.AtLB.MuAtlantic lower bathyal mud
7[00:58:40]00:05:04M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
8[01:03:45]00:16:54M.AtUA.BiAtlantic upper abyssal cold water coral reef (biogenic structure)
9[01:20:40]00:04:27M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
10[01:25:08]00:08:45M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
11[01:33:54]00:07:03M.AtUA.BiAtlantic upper abyssal cold water coral reef (biogenic structure)
12[01:40:58]00:18:38M.AtUA.RoAtlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
13[01:59:37]00:01:52M.AtUA.RoAtlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata

Syringammina fragilissima : 261 : R
cf. Polymastia boletiformis : 1030 : R
cf. Geodia baretti (Porifera massive globose sp. 11) : 601 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 1 (white) : 1 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 15 (yellow) : 58 : R
Porifera flower : 9981 : R
Porifera lamellate (Hexactinosida) : 1151 : R
Porifera lamellate sp. 7 : 422 : R
Porifera massive globose sp. 13 : 648 : R
Porifera massive lobose sp. 21 (Hertwigia sp. ?) : 611 : R
Porifera massive lobose sp. 32 : 1090 : R
Stalked Porifera : 9975 : R
Porifera small globose : 9980 : R
Actiniaria sp. 1 : 4 : R
Actiniaria sp. 20 : 605 : R
Adamsia sp. : 1066 : R
Stichopathes sp. : 560 : R
Leiopathes sp. : 305 : R
Leiopathes sp. (dense) : 612 : R
Bathypathes sp. 1 : 328 : R
Parantipathes sp. : 1042 : R
Parantipathes sp. (branched) : 1161 : R
Stauropathes arctica : 547 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 2 : 6 : R
Zoanthidea sp. : 1149 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Radicipes cf. gracilis : 1044 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R

cf. Clavulariidae sp. : 289 : R
Corallium sp. 1 : 1202 : R
Corallium sp. 2 : 1203 : R
Acanella arbuscula : 585 : R
Keratoisis sp. (fine branching) : 1157 : O
Lepidisis sp. : 557 : R
Paragorgia (twiggy) (poss. Swiftia) : 1065 : R
Paramuricea sp. : 1050 : R
Pennatulacea (indet.) : 1114 : R
Pennatulacea sp. 3 (submerged axis) : 1191 : R
Halipteris cf. finmarchica : 622 : R
Pennatula aculeata : 1046 : R
Umbellula sp. : 581 : R
Hydrozoa sp. 3 : 903 : R
Serpulidae sp. 1 : 106 : R
Munida tenuimana : 339 : R
Galacantha sp. : 1144 : R
Paguridae sp. : 205 : R
Colossendeis sp. 2 : 1201 : R
Bathycrinidae sp. : 1141 : O
Koehlermetra porrecta : 315 : R
Anachalypsicrinus nefertiti : 1031 : O
Crinoidea sp. 1 : 131 : R
Pentametrocinidae sp. : 1210 : R
Euryalida sp. : 1307 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Ophiuroidea (indet.) : 1076 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : R

Pseudarchaster sp. 1 : 433 : R
Ceramaster/Peltaster/Plinthaster sp. 1 : 234 : R
Solaster endeca : 573 : R
Solasteridae sp. (white) : 9977 : R
Pterasteridae sp. : 299 : R
Forcipulatida sp. : 9988 : R
cf. Echinus (deep pink spine) : 1129 : R
Echinoidea sp. 5 : 572 : R
cf. Psolus sp. : 1049 : R
Elpidiidae (indet.) : 1122 : R
Peniagone sp. : 1167 : R
Mesothuria intestinalis : 536 : R
Mesothuria sp. : 1206 : R
Oneirophanta mutabilis : 1153 : R
Holothuroidea sp. (muddy) : 1190 : R
Holothuroidea sp. (pink deep) : 1179 : R
Chimaera opalescens : 653 : R
Synaphobranchus kaupii : 440 : R
Coryphaenoides armatus : 1105 : R
Lepidion cf. guentheri : 1160 : R
Guttigadus latifrons : 1166 : R
Phycis blennoides : 1020 : R
Notacanthidae sp. 1 : 1009 : R
Notacanthiformes sp. 1 : 1012 : R
Actinopterygii sp. 3 : 930 : R

Number of species = 81

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022