Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D550 Transect PB07 sand/pebble/occasional boulders with various sponges. Priority 1. Features: Deep Rise. Water depth: -2220 m. TL: 2 km SOL: 15° 15.842' W 52° 52.378' N

Highlights: White sea urchin Hexactinellid sponge Boulder with encrusting sponges

Marine snow obscured visibility at this site. Primarily soft sediment with pebbles and waves of shell hash in places and very little fauna. Stalked crinoids most prominent species throughout. Occasional drop stones/ rocks have encrusting sponges, ophiuroids and crinoids. Overall species numbers and diversity is poor.

START VIDEO [00:00:00]/17:25. [1] Sand/pebbles/possible pteropod hash with sparse epifauna, which include crustaceans and sea urchins. [00:00:00]-[00:07:00] ROV samples a pushcore. [00:25:00] [2] Pebbles/sand/occasional boulders. Encrusted sponges and glass sponges living on hard substrata. [00:34:00]-[00:49:00] ROV stops for sampling of Echinoidea sp.5 (Echinothuroidea). Vision obscured for a few seconds. [00:57:00] Vision obscured/too bright. [00:58:00] Vision back to normal. [01:01:00]-[01:11:00] [3] Boulders are frequent. [01:40:00] [4] Mud/boulders. Geodia cf. barretti is the dominant species on boulders. [18:15:00] [5] Now mud and pebbles are the substrata with sparse epifauna. Dominant species is Democrinus sp. OTU1103. [01:24:00] [6] Boulders and muddy sediment with sparse Echinoidea sp.5, Geodia cf. barretti and encrusted sponges. [01:26:00] Again muddy sediment and pebbles with dominant Democrinus sp.. [01:30:00] Muddy sediment and occasional boulders with encrusted sponges and Geodia cf barretti. [01:37:00] ROV stops for imagery of substrate. Vision obscured/mud cloud. [01:38:00] Vision clear. [01:39:00] ROV stops for imagery of crinoids and mud cloud. [01:41:00] ROV moves again. [02:09:00] ROV stops for imagery of encrusting sponges, Geodia cf. barretti and other sponge species living on boulder until END VIDEO [02:12:00]/19:37.

Progression Start Duration Code Name
1[00:00:00]00:24:52M.AtLB.CoAtlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment
2[00:24:53]00:35:18M.AtLB.RoAtlantic lower bathyal rock and hard substrata
3[01:00:12]00:10:00M.AtLB.RoAtlantic lower bathyal rock and hard substrata
4[01:10:13]00:05:53M.AtLB.MuAtlantic lower bathyal mud

Aphrocallistes beatrix : 264 : R
cf. Polymastia boletiformis : 1030 : R
cf. Geodia baretti (Porifera massive globose sp. 11) : 601 : R
Porifera cup 2 : 535 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 1 (white) : 1 : R
Porifera globose lobose : 1178 : R
Porifera lamellate lobose : 81 : R
Porifera lamellate sp. 7 : 422 : R
Actiniaria sp. 20 : 605 : R
Actinernus michaelsarsi : 554 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Pennatulacea sp. 3 (submerged axis) : 1191 : R
Pennatula aculeata : 1046 : R
Umbellula sp. : 581 : R

Serpulidae sp. 1 : 106 : R
Galacantha sp. : 1144 : R
Caridea (indet.) : 1077 : R
Eucarida sp. : 1106 : R
Colus sp. : 113 : R
Bathycrinidae sp. : 1141 : R
Bathycrinidae sp. 1 : 1041 : R
Democrinus sp. : 1103 : R
Anachalypsicrinus nefertiti : 1031 : R
Crinoidea sp. 1 : 131 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Ophiuroidea sp. 11 (red disc) : 1036 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : R

Pseudarchaster sp. 1 : 433 : R
cf. Henricia sp. (deep) : 1154 : R
Solasteridae sp. (7 arm) : 1061 : R
Asteroidea cf. sp. inulosida : 1186 : R
cf. Echinus (deep pink spine) : 1129 : R
Echinoidea sp. 5 : 572 : R
Benthogone sp. : 432 : R
Mesothuria intestinalis : 536 : R
Coryphaenoides guentheri : 577 : R
Mora moro : 349 : R
Polyacanthonotus rissoanus : 552 : R
Notacanthiformes sp. 1 : 1012 : R
cf. Rouleina attrita : 1074 : R

Number of species = 41

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022