Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D672 Transect 22 Soft sediment interspersed with large cobbles and boulders hosting a variety of epifauna forming scattered geogenic reefs. P2. Water depth: 147m Feature: VMS data and local fisher knowledge

Highlights: Octopus - Eledone cirrhosa, two octopus fight Sponges & corals Tube worm Salmacina dysteri Sponges & corals

Muddy seafloor on a moderate slope with sparse fauna including sponges and cephalopods. On rocky outcrops sponges, erect bryozoans and a variety of starfish including Porania are observed.

START VIDEO A [00:00:00]/18:18. [1] Soft sediment with scattered epifauna. ROV on the seafloor, sampling a pushcore. Sampling failed. Video A lasts only 6 minutes. START VIDEO B 18:25/[00:06:00]. Soft sediment interspersed with large cobbles and boulders hosting a variety of epifauna forming scattered geogenic reefs. Marine snow is present throughout the entire dive. The ROV is moving upwards on a moderate slope. Noteworthy, the white balance of the camera is unbalanced and as a result, the visual is shown with a hint of green and yellow, which makes the vision not 100% clear. [2] Soft sediment with scattered epifauna. [00:07:00] ROV samples 2 pushcores. [3] [00:25:00] Here mud veneered boulders, scattered bedrock with sparse epifauna. The boulders host abundant sessile fauna, possibly shallow water white corals and sparse starfish species. [00:30:00] The boulders host a variety of species including erect sponges and encrusting sponges. [4] [00:31:00] Biotope changes into soft sediment with scattered epifauna. [5] [00:36:00] dense field of cobbles hosting various erect epifauna including sponges and corals. [00:37:00] Here the fish population is relatively abundant, mainly small fish (possibly Argentinidae sp. 1 OTU1188). [00:37:00] Interesting behavior of three Cephalopoda. [00:38:00] Dense zoanthid aggregation on large cobble and notable dense aggregation of Argentinidae sp. 1 . [6] [00:41:00] Here soft sediment again with sparse epifauna . [7] [00:47:00] Patch of geogenic reef of corals and sponges on mud veneered boulders. [8] [00:50:00] Soft sediment again. [00:53:00] ROV stops for imagery of white coral and associated orange ophiuroid species. [01:01:00] ROV samples a white coral (unknown species). [9] [01:24:00] Mud veneered boulders again here with scattered encrusted species . [10] [01:28:00] Soft sediment again. END VIDEO [01:30:00]/19:45.

Progression Start Duration Code Name
2[00:00:00]00:19:19SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities
1[00:00:01]23:59:59SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities
3[00:19:20]00:05:42CR.LCRLow energy circalittoral rock
4[00:25:03]00:04:52SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities
5[00:29:56]00:04:05CR.LCRLow energy circalittoral rock
6[00:34:02]00:07:16SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities
7[00:41:19]00:03:19CR.LCRLow energy circalittoral rock
8[00:44:39]00:33:18SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities
9[01:17:58]00:04:29CR.LCRLow energy circalittoral rock
10[01:22:28]00:01:35SS.SMuSublittoral cohesive mud and sandy mud communities

cf. Phakellia ventilabrum : 202 : O
Axinella infundibuliformis : 403 : R
Mycale lingua : 171 : R
Porifera encrusting (orange) : 9 : R
Porifera encrusting globose (pale) : 75 : F
Porifera encrusting sp. 1 (white) : 1 : R
Porifera encrusting sp. 15 (yellow) : 58 : O
Pachycerianthus multiplicatus : 458 : R
Bolocera tuediae : 12 : R
Actiniidae sp. (sand Bolocera) : 41 : O
Actinostolidae sp. 1 : 132 : R
Caryophyllia sp. 2 : 6 : A
cf. Clavulariidae sp. : 289 : O
Hydrozoa sp. 3 : 903 : R

Tubularia sp. 2 : 127 : R
Lanice sp. 1 : 262 : R
Munidopsis sp. : 1126 : R
Colus sp. : 113 : R
Graneledone verrucosa : 973 : O
Margarites sp. 1 : 277 : R
Reteporella sp. : 204 : R
Ophiothrix fragilis : 451 : O
Asterias rubens : 231 : F
Stichastrella rosea : 198 : F
Henricia sanguinolenta : 208 : R

Porania sp. : 263 : O
Pterasteridae sp. : 1115 : R
Echinus sp. : 445 : R
Echinoidea sp. 1 : 279 : R
Argentinidae sp. 1 : 1188 : R
Pollachius pollachius : 1302 : R
Molva molva : 654 : R
Lophius piscatorius : 273 : R
Lepidorhombus boscii : 441 : R
Helicolenus dactylopterus : 227 : R
Chelidonichthys cuculus : 1312 : R

Number of species = 36

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022