Marine Institute
SeaRover Dive Video

D686 Transect 4 Predominantly steep muddy slope with patches of bedrock hosting a few sponge species. P2. Water depth: 2970-2650m. Feature: Slope

Highlights: Yellow demosponge - Inflatella pellicula?

Of Note: Yellow Sponges/Tunicates.

Predominantly vertical/steep walls, soft sediment and sparse epifauna. On an area of boulders and bedrock a distinct community of yellow sponges is observed and sampled.

START VIDEO [00:00:00]/15:49. Predominantly steep muddy slope with patches of bedrock hosting a few sponge species. [1] The dive starts on mud with scattered boulders. [2] Here mud veneered bedrock with vertical walls hosting yellow porifera (porifera globose sp) and sparse encrusting species. [00:15:00] ROV stops for sampling porifera globose sp. [3] [00:28:00] Here biotope changes into mud slope. [01:40:00] ROV samples two pushcores. END VIDEO [01:41:50]/17:34.

Progression Start Duration Code Name
1[00:00:00]00:02:21M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud
3[00:28:42]01:47:18M.AtUA.MuAtlantic upper abyssal mud

Syringammina fragilissima : 261 : R
Porifera globose sp. : 1309 : F
Porifera lamellate (bubbles) : 1156 : O
Porifera lamellate sp. 10 : 1010 : R
Cerianthidae sp. 1 : 2 : R
Stauropathes arctica : 547 : R
Anthomastus grandiflorus : 278 : R
Chrysogorgidae sp. 1 : 1008 : R
Acanella arbuscula : 585 : R
Rhodaliidae sp. 1 : 950 : R

Galacantha sp. : 1144 : R
Paguridae sp. : 205 : R
Caridea (indet.) : 1077 : R
Munidopsis sp. : 1126 : R
Pentametrocrinus atlanticus : 436 : R
Democrinus sp. : 1103 : R
Ophiomusa lymani : 551 : R
Brisingidae sp. : 274 : R
Pseudarchaster sp. 1 : 433 : R
Velatida sp. 1 : 199 : R
Echinothuroidea sp. : 1094 : R

cf. Psolus sp. : 1049 : R
cf. Amperima sp. : 628 : R
Elpidiidae sp. : 1116 : R
Peniagone sp. : 1167 : R
Oneirophanta mutabilis : 1153 : R
Coryphaenoides rupestris : 566 : R
Halosauridae sp. : 1113 : R
Notacanthiformes sp. 1 : 1012 : R

Number of species = 29

© Marine Institute, MERC Consultants, Bernard Picton 2022